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The Community Discord Server

We have created a private Discord server for our community.

If you’re familiar with Discord, use the following invite code to join.

When you first join the server, there may be a slight delay as we need to manually assign your profile permissions to view the private channels. 

Please post your name in the #introduce-yourself channel so we can verify who you are if your Discord username is, for example, just your first name!

Instructions on how to join our Discord server, for those new to Discord.


Visit Discord.com and click ‘Open Discord in your browser’

(After we have set this up, you may want to download the Discord App as it’s a nicer overall experience, but it’s up to you!)


Enter in a username and check the box (obviously make sure you’re read and agreed with the T&C and Privacy policy first!) then hit the next arrow:


Follow the onscreen instructions. If asked, check the Captcha box to prove you’re a human. Then enter your date of birth and hit next:


Now it gets fun! It will ask you to create your Discord server, but we don’t need to do that. Just click the link at the bottom where it asks if you have an invite:


Copy and paste our Discord Server Invite URL into the box: https://discord.gg/CRD6GTZGsw Then hit the ‘Join’ button:


You’ll then need to claim your account by entering in your email address, and creating a password for your new Discord account:


You’ll see a popup saying they have sent a verification email to your email address and asking you to download the App: It’s up to you if you would rather use the app or the web browser. For this guide, I’ll be showing you the web browser version so just click the ‘X’ in the corner to close this popup. Whatever version you choose, you will have to click the verification link in your email to confirm your account.


Good work, you’ve made it into our Discord server! Here is a quick overview of what’s what when you first arrive: As soon as you’ve posted in the #introduce-yourself channel (the more details the better, but to validate you, we just need your full name!) you will then see all all the available channels: (There are more channels than above, and if you’re a WAP member, you won’t see the RT channels!)


After we have confirmed you’re a member, you can then see all the channels and take part in discussions! That may seem like a lot of work but it will hopefully take less than 5 minutes (may be a longer delay for us to validate you, but we’ll be as quick as possible!)

After you’ve been validated you’re good to go! 


Any questions? If you get stuck anywhere or if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to help you.